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Wrap-Around Services

The very nature of our work depends on collaboration between Service Providers in the community to create a holistic care system within which our Mothers and Babies can get the support they need. The following Wrap-Around Services begin in the Host Home, arranged by Refuge Host Homes and continue as needed throughout the transition to Independent Supportive Housing.

Mental Health and
Counseling Services

We partner with Loving Truth Counseling to provide access to individual counseling as needed.


Perinatal Health and
Birth Support

We work with Birthing Beautiful Communities as well as Summa Health Midwives to ensure our Mothers have the support they need during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum, including Doula services.


Baby Care and Parenting Education

We partner with area Pregnancy Care Centers to connect our Mothers to parenting classes, mom's support groups, and opportunities to get baby supplies and formula and diapers.


Independent Living
Skills Training

We partner with Bread By Design to allow our Mothers to gain new skills in caring for themselves and their child(ren) through nutrition and healthy living practices. From bread-baking to grocery shopping coaching, Mothers can be equipped to care for the whole body through lifestyle choices.


Job Training and
Employment Assistance

We partner with a The Career Development program at The Well CDC to help our Mothers get the training and skills they need to obtain and maintain employment with local businesses that are committed to supporting the personal development of individuals in our community.

Personal Financial

​We work with The Financial Empowerment Center of United Way of Summit and Medina to help our Mothers get on solid financial footing. This one-on-one coaching allows them to set personal goals and work on financial literacy.


​We partner with a variety of agencies and FREE  programs offered in our community to help our Mothers know where to go for the help they need.

  • Victim Assistance Program

  • Community Legal Aid

  • Local Library Storytimes

  • Headstart and other quality childcare options

  • WIC

  • Help Me Grow

Community Resources

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