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Our Model

Refuge Host Homes serves any pregnant woman in crisis, age 18 and older, who needs safe, supportive housing in order to carry her baby to full term and to be equipped for the challenges of motherhood.


Host Home Experience

Mother is matched with a Host Home and lives with the host family through the remainder of her pregnancy and postpartum period until her baby is about 6 months old, finding safety and refuge in a family and learning new life skills as she transitions into motherhood.


Independent Supportive Housing

Following the Hosting Experience,

 Mother and her child will transition into an individual apartment owned by a Restorative Landlord who helps her to grow towards dignified independence. Monthly rent assistance is provided through our Partner Churches.


Why Refuge Host Homes?

Refuge Host Homes was founded with the purpose of serving the unique needs of the vulnerable population of pregnant women who are experiencing housing instability, as well as targeting these community issues:

  • High Infant Mortality Rates

  • Affordable Housing Famine

  • Overloaded Foster Care System

Refuge Host Homes is made up of a network of Host Homes that invite vulnerable pregnant women and up to one additional child under the age of two to live in the safety of a supportive family setting, in order to foster a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and transition into motherhood. Host Homes are families or individuals that are willing to share their living space with a mother and child(ren) and provide for tangible needs that arise, as well as offer and maintain a supportive relationship during and after the hosting experience. This is an alternative to a group maternity-home setting that reduces the cost of institutional maternal care while still meeting the housing, safety and relational needs of a vulnerable population. After the postpartum period (when baby is about 6 months old), mother and child(ren) will then transition into an Independent Supportive Housing environment, following a scaffolded approach, tailored to the needs of each family unit.

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